
Welcome to Rasche`s Spiele

Historical and news


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Welcome to our Card game 4

We have completely revised our homepage, we have put all our old content (descriptions, downloads,...) in an archive for our customers. (To the Archive).  All current information about Rasche`s Kartenspiele 4 can be found at::

First of all, our Win10 app has gone into the official beta test. Next we prepare the iPad.

The work on Bridge is now being pushed forward in a more focused manner. The first step is to support people who want to learn the card game bridge. Either in self-study or with the support of teachers.

You don't know a card game yet and want to learn one? Or do you just want to improve your game? Then take our courses. You act out commented examples and we tell you what you are doing wrong and what is right.

New issues of the training series "Understanding Doppelkopf" by the book author Joachim Markwald in German:

Do you have any questions? You don't know how such a course works? Then just watch our film about it: : Please click here

We will also devote ourselves to the topic of "comparison of playing strengths". One goal is to improve the computer-simulated players.

Please visit our Club area. We will revise it in the future. The old club offer has become the new subscription premium. In the future, the new club area should become a contact point that connects a link between real games, with lessons, training with our software.

Hersteller von realen Karten zum Spielen

Product:    Skat Premium          Doppelkopf Premium              Schafkopf Premium

                 Skat 10 / 10 Pro       Doppelkopf 10 / 10 Pro           Schafkopf 10 / 10 Pro

                 Quick Skat 5            Quick Doppelkopf 5,               Quick Schafkopf 5

                                                  Doppelkopf Lehrgänge

©1997-2023 Rasche-Software

Support:  Account anlegen                  Lessons

                Im Shop kaufen

                Produkte freischalten

      Behebungsliste:        MacOS    Win10    iOS  




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