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Open Skat

1. General

Open Skat is a clever extension of the actual game of Skat. Here, the analytical component of the game strategy is brought more to the fore, which gives the game more level and new appeal. The most important difference to the conventional Skat game is that the declarer has the option to "play his suit and grand games face up" by revealing his cards, without having to play the opponent black.

Of course, the opponents in open games have the advantage, with correct analysis, to find the definitely profitable way or to initiate clever moves that can lead the single player onto slippery ice. This additional risk of the declarer is rewarded by higher bid levels and the associated higher game values.

In open games and corresponding card distribution, very complicated solution problems often arise, which are similar to chess, which among other things reduces the luck factor. Furthermore, clearly won games can be abbreviated more efficiently, which is beneficial to the attractiveness of the gameplay, to name just a few advantages.


Skat-en-deux (for two) opens up the advantages of the open in a fascinating way to be able to experience skating with only two people, so to speak "man against man". The cards are dealt out in threes, as in skat, with one person always taking turns giving the card and thus having the back hand and the other being the forehand. The blind man's 10 cards always form the middle hand and remain face down for the time being.

As usual, the player with the highest bid becomes the declarer. After the lead, the blind man's cards are revealed, visible to both people. The opponent is now in control of the blind man's cards.


Basics of the game

1. There are games with skat recording, games without skat recording and games that are played openly. In all game classes, a distinction is made between the genres of color, grand and zero games.

2. There are two categories of open games:

a) once open means: The solo player must reveal his cards visibly for the opponent after the first trick. Once open games can be stimulated a higher stimulus level (example: Pik Simple, once open: with one game two, once open three = 33.).

b) twice open means: The solo player must reveal his cards visibly for the opponent before the playout. Twice open games, two levels of stimulus can be irritated higher (example: picks simple, twice open: with one game two, twice open four = 44.).

3. Fitted - or Ramschspiele

In the event that both players fit, there is the option of junk game rating or fitting and a new game edition. The goal of the junk is to get as little eyes as possible. All colors are equal and the boys are trump. The game can be compared to the grand game, whereby you should get the fewest eyes here.

a) The junk is played without the blind man's cards. The player with the most eyes has lost. The number of eyes of the skate is added in addition to the minus value of the game. In case of equal eyes, the player who has received the last trick loses.

b) If you want to play without junk, the game will be adjusted and a new game will be issued.

Null and Nullouvert games

Are played as with conventional skat.

Conditions of the classes

1) In all cases, the skat is entitled to the single player.

2) In the games with skat recording, the solo player picks up the skat and then places
two arbitrary cards back into the skat, i.e. press them. After that, he announces his game.

3) In the hand games, the skat remains unseen. Only the 10 hand cards are available for the game announcement.

4) The solo player determines a color as trump card or chooses between grand and zero game.

5) Open games: see point 2 Once and twice open games

Meaning of the cards

1) In the color games, a color is always the trump card. The other colors are then equal to each other in rank

2) The highest trumps of a play of colors are the boys in the ranking of colors (crosses, spades, hearts, checks). They are followed by the seven cards of the trump suit according to the number value of their eyes (Ace, Ten King, Queen, 9, 8, 7).

3) In grand games, only the boys are the trump card in the ranking of their colors.

4) In zero games, the boys are also considered a color. The changed order here is: Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8, 7.

5) In junk games, only the boys are the trump card in the ranking of their colors. You have to try to achieve the smallest number of eyes


1) Tramps in uninterrupted order from the cross jack at hot tips.

2) If the solo player, including the two cards in the skat, has the cross jack himself, his existing tips count, he plays with tips. If he does not own it, his missing tips come into consideration, he plays without tips (four boys).

3) Color games are possible at most with or without tips (four boys and seven times trump color). Grand games at most with the one without four tips (four boys).

Game introduction

Giving the cards

1) The cards are distributed clockwise as with the conventional skat. The giver is always behind here, too. The opponent is then forehand, i.e. player. The "blind" (the 10 cards still face down) always sits in the middle hand.

2) If not rammed, the player with the highest appeal bid also receives the game. After the play of forehand, the cards of the "bleaind" are visibly revealed for both players. As with the normal skat, the solo player determines his 10 (12) cards. The opponent, on the other hand, also determines the cards of the (now no longer) "Blinden" and forms the opposing party with him in one direction.

3) This variant gives the Skat-en-deux a chess-like character, as you have to plan several stitches (trains) in advance.


1) After giving, the single player must be determined by stimulating (bidding and holding game values). According to the lowest game value for checks with or without 1 tip, simply won, the minimum stimulus bid is 18.

2) The card provider must encourage or fit. The player with the highest stimulus bid becomes a solo player. If both players pass, they will be matched or rammed, depending on the agreement.

3) The explanation of the fit, as well as the bidding and keeping of an irritant value are irrevocable.

Game announcement

1) In any case, the solo player is obliged to a valid game announcement. It must be complete, i.e. a hand or open game must also be announced if it is to be considered a calculation level. The exception is the possibility with a stimulus value of no more than 18 to give up the game by routes (game task). This game task is rated with minus 60 points. A game announcement is irrevocable.

2) The solo player is free to say whether he is a game according to the stimulus requirement or from higher who.

3) If the solo player can no longer reach the stimulus value after skat admission in his intended game with the highest possible winning level for him (because he has found a top stocking), he may announce a game that corresponds to the required stimulus value or give up. (Give up is only possible, in case of game without contra and re) When playing with contra and re, a valid game announcement must follow in any case.

4) A valid game announcement is unchangeable

Party position

1) As with the normal skat, the parties are divided into solo players and opponents after complete irritation. The player with the higher stimulus requirement is a solo player and the opponent determines his own cards and the cards of the blind and thus forms the opposing party.

2) Exception is the matched game with junk possibility, here each of the two players only plays his 10 cards, the cards of the blind remain unaffected.

Game execution

1) The game begins with the game announcement. After the announcement of the game, forehand plays out, after which the cards of the blind man are visibly revealed for both players. After that, the one who made the existing stitch always plays out.

Game abbreviation

1) In general, every game is to be played at the end.

2) If the solo player gets the game at 18 irritation, he has the opportunity to give up the game before the game announcement and the game task is rated with 60 minus points.

3) Game abbreviations or the offers "out and won" or "Stich (Schneider aufgegeben)" are an extremely interesting and attractive variant for Skat-en-deux, especially with games that are open twice.

Since only the solo player knows the skat, the opponent must suspect in two open games,
what is pressed and thus the offers are "out and won" or "Stitch" often speculative.
(This risk also applies in particular to the contra and re variants.)

Contra and Re variant:
If the solo player rejects "out and won" and/in "slash", the opponent has the opportunity
to give a contra and the solo player can then return a re.

The rejection is valued at 50% of the total game value.
Grand with a twice open tailor rejected: with a game two open four Scheider five
rejected six = 144 + 50% = 216.

After rejection of Contra and/or Re is pronounced, this entire value is doubled in the case of Contra or quadrupled in the case of Re


1) A trick consists of one card each of forehand, middlehand and hindquarters. He is finished,
as soon as the third card is on the table.

2) The stitch belongs to the one who, in compliance with the rules:

    •    to a played and consistently operated color that has the highest rank card,

    •    plays a color that is neither served nor stung.

    •    a played-out color is the only one that stings

    •    overstitled a trump on a played color with a higher trump

    •    plays the highest with the required trump.

    •    Trump demands and only receives color cards.

Product:    Skat Premium          Doppelkopf Premium              Schafkopf Premium

                 Skat 10 / 10 Pro       Doppelkopf 10 / 10 Pro           Schafkopf 10 / 10 Pro

                 Quick Skat 5            Quick Doppelkopf 5,               Quick Schafkopf 5

                                                  Doppelkopf Lehrgänge

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